135: An App to play top music video songs from Youtube

An App to play top music video songs from Youtube


1. People always like to listen to top 100 songs
2. There are various top charts
3. What if you could help people listen to the
4. ever-updating Youtube top 100 music songs

5. Many times, I like to listen to songs and I keep picking
6. some random playlist on YouTube to listen to songs

7. That is when I discovered that YouTube itself has a
8. top popular music playlist on their music channel
9. A lot of people would love to listen to
10.YouTube’s top 100 music songs


1. You will build an iphone/Android app
2. When the user opens up the app
3. The top Youtube Video songs start playing.

4. Here is how you build the app
5. You will use the YouTube Api to get the
6. popular music playlist from Youtube’s music channel

7. The youtube Api documentation is here
8. The songs will keep changing based on popularity in YouTube,
9. so the users will keep getting variety.

Money1_Treasure_ChestHow to make money:

1. Sell Songs and get iTunes Affiliate commission :
1.1 Sign up for iTunes affiliate and if they buy a song,
1.2 you get an affiliate commission.

2. Sell Items music lovers love to buy through Amazon Affiliate :
2.1 Find out what items music lovers will like and sell them from Amazon.
2.1 – Here is a google search to find out what music lovers will like.

3. iAds : Show ads at the bottom of the Video randomly.

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