Ready-to-Go blog for doctors (Tumblr for doctors)

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1. A lot of privately practising doctors would like to start a blog
2. so, they can post articles for their customers
3. and if they share some personal information,
4. they can bond well with their customers and..
5. when new customers stumble upon the blog, they get to know the doctor
6. and probably like him and become his customer.


1. Basically you will create a blog platform similar to tumblr
2. When your customer, the doctor, signs up for an account, picks a name for his blog..
3. and starts to blog immediately.

How to make Money.

1. Sell premium themes
2. Sell a pro version with features like own domain name, advanced analytics and e-mail autoresponder setups.
3. Sell design services for logo and website design.

Some Tips for starting.

1. Check out tumblr and get some design ideas
2. Use wordpress multisite to start(free) and customize it.

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