Find the lowest price while you are shopping

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1. Let us say you are shopping on and you want to see if
2. the same item is cheaper somewhere else like amazon..
3. You open multiple browser windows, go to other websites like amazon , Target or..
4. any of the shopping comparison sites like PriceGrabber..
5.  and find out if the item is cheaper anywhere else.
6. This is a little cumbersome.


1. You will build a lightweight browser addon, which your customer installs
2. When he visits a website and is looking at an item..
3. your browser add-on displays the price on 3 other websites like Amazon,walmart and Target.
4. your customer does not have to leave the website he is on and..
5. yet still sees the price in the same browser window from other stores.

How to make Money.

1. Get affiliate income when linking to other websites.
2. Add a donate button, so if an user saves money, he can donate a portion to you.

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