177: Easy stress-release routines for students

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1. A lot of high school and college Students are stressed out and
2. study long hours.
3. They would need to take short 5-minute breaks and
4. need to relieve stress frequently.

5. What if there was an app that could relieve their stress and make
6. them energetic again in 5 minutes.


1. You will build a smartphone app
2. Once the student downloads and opens this app,
3. This app will show them simple stress- releasing exercises for 3 minutes and
4. will also show them 2-3 minute guided meditation .

5. These exercises will be power exercises
6. to get maximum benefit in a short time.

7. After this short break, they will be refreshed and energetic again and
8. they will be healthy too in the long run.

9. Every time they open up the app, it will show different exercises
10. and different meditations so they don’t get bored.

Money1_Treasure_ChestHow to make money:

1. Premium version : The free version will show the power exercises for 5 times a week, while
1.1 with the premium version , the can view unlimited times.
1.2 You can sell the premium version for $4.99 and
1.3 the parents can pay for it.

2. Affiliate income from Amazon: Sell latest fiction books from Amazon and
2.1 when students buy , amazon will pay affiliate commissions.

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