140: Automatically monitor late fees and fines on credit cards

Automatically monitor late fees and fines on all your credit cards


1. A lot of people have multiple credit cards
2. and sometimes when they get fines or late fees
3. they would not know, since they would have forgotten
4. to check their credit card statements.

4. What if there is an app which automatically monitors their
5. credit cards and notifies them immediately
6. if they get any fines or late fees on their credit cards.


1. You will build a website and and an app
2. Users create an account and once he signs in,
3. He will add his online id/password of  his credit card websites.

4. All his credit card data is pulled automatically every day and
5.  monitored

7. and if there are any late fees or fines
8. an email or a text will be sent immediately
9. Before you build your app, for design ideas, you can check
10. Mint.com which pulls all financial data for their registered users.

11. I personally use mint.com myself and
12. I love it as it does lots of things automatically.

Money1_Treasure_ChestHow to make money:

1. Donation for removing Fines : When someone gets a late fee ,
1.1 show them  a few  pre-built scripts on how
1.2 to talk to the credit card company and remove the late fee or fine.
1.3 Here is a google search to get these scripts.
1.4 Read all these scripts from this google search and create your own scripts.
1.5 and put these scripts in your app.
1.6 If their fine is removed, they can give a donation to you.

2. Recommend better credit cards : if someone has a higher interest rate or
2.1 is getting frequent late fees, you can recommend credit cards with good service
2.2 A lot of credit card companies offer affiliate commissions
2.3 when someone gets the credit card from your website.

3. Sell books : if your software notices someone, who is suffering from debt,
3.1 Sell them very good books from Amazon to get rid of their debt.
3.2 Try to sell books which are less expensive.

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